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Recognition of credits

Students who reach the CdS following a transition/transfer/second degree procedure can apply for the recognition of credits earned in their previous career. It is the Student Career Commission (CCS) task to carry out an evaluation of the previous career aimed at recognizing credits for the new enrollment. The commission decides following a formal request for recognition afterwards the change/transfer or enrollment as a second degree.

The information, which may be provided by the offices or by the degree course tutors, is therefore to be considered as approximate.

For a self-evaluation of the recognizable teachings, the following parameters can be considered:

  • coming from the same degree class (L-18): same denomination, same sector (SSD), same credits and same program content;
  • coming from degree classes other than L-18: same sector (SSD), equal or greater number of credits, same program content.

It is advisable to consult the page relating to the procedures and deadlines for changing and transferring on the University Portal.

It is possible to submit an application for the credit recognition, after enrollment, exclusively via Help desk to the Student Office by choosing the subject "Change or Transfer", attaching the application form (to be requested from the Student Office) duly completed and signed.

For the Commission to be able to evaluate the application, the following documents must be attached to it:

  • self-certification with exams downloadable from MyUniTO (if the student already enrolled at the University of Turin);
  • self-certification with exams taken in the previous study course (complete with exam name, number of credits and ssd);
  • official programmes of the exams taken for which the validation is requested (also in pdf format).

At the end of the assessment by the Commission in charge, the student will be summoned to the Student Office to view the resolution.

Depending on the number and type of recognized exams, it is possible the admission to years subsequent to the first and within the limit of available places.

The minimum number of credits validated for the transition to years subsequent to the first cannot be less than:

  • for admission to the second year, 42 CFU, of which at least 24 in the disciplines intended for the first year;
  • for admission to the third year, 84 CFU, of which at least 48 in the disciplines of the first and second year.

In the case of a student who already holds a university degree of the same level, the recognition of credits will be examined and approved each time by the student paperwork Commission of the degree course.


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Last update: 03/04/2023 12:00
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